CC7 DRPP Project Team Awarded Honorary Certificate and Trophy For 30 Million Safe Man-Hours

Release time: 2022-01-29  Browse: 7646

Safety department and senior management of the Owner organized a safety award meeting in their office area on January 21. Honorary Certificate and Trophy for 30 million Safe Man-Hours was awarded to CC7 DRPP project team by the Owner’s CEO and Construction Director. CC7 DRPP Project Manager Li Guobiao and Safety Director Xu Liang attended the meeting. 

At the meeting, CEO Mr. Giuseppe Surace gave his appreciation to CC7’s outstanding contribution in the field of steel structure and electromechanical installation. He highly appraised the excellent achievements made by CC7 in safety management and further expressed that the four-core plants undertaken by CC7 were the most challenging ones, thus realizing 30 million safe man-hours shows CC7’s excellent HSSE management ability and sets a benchmark for the HSSE management for the all the DRPP contractors.

CC7 DRPP Project Manager Li Guobiao stated that with all CC7 staff adhering to the safety concept of “put people and their lives first", he was quite confident to maintain the safety performance until the end of the project and his team would continue to make continuous efforts to achieve mechanical completion of DRPP while ensuring execution with safety and promoting safety with development.